Our podcast turned 50 episodes old! (Give or take a couple of bonus eps…) To celebrate, we streamed the entire recording session live on Periscope.

Check out the replay for a stickybeak at the PirateNet studios, otherwise known as Vaya’s living room. #Neighbuzz50 features CJ, Kate, Penny and Vaya covering the week of October 10, 2016: #BalloonCrash week!

Disaster strikes for what seems to be the fifth time this year when a hot air balloon falls from the sky, killing a character nobody cared about, right after a hungover Dr Karl drilled into her head. This leads us to question the ethics of using handyman tools to perform spontaneous neurosurgery. Other highlights include yet another elaborate fancy dress party, Paige’s leap of idiocy, plus a real noodle-scratcher of a sexual position that upstages Paige and Father Doe’s literal romp in the hay.


Special thanks to Hayley from The Art of Neighbours on Facebook (aka @fatherbananas on Twitter) for her stellar musical contributions to this episode.