Ned’s back in Erinsborough. And so is Pufferfish’s Piss Engine.

Everybody’s TV boyfriend, Ned, last seen at our mobile PirateNet Studios in early 2017 as his real life alter ego Ben Hall, is back as a regular Neighbours cast member! We are thrilled, although Vaya has some confusing new feelings. Kate also has some confusion around how exactly Shane Rebecchi can spin wee into water whilst also powering a light festival, and CJ would really just prefer we moved swiftly on from science and look forward to warm fuzzy things like Daaron one day raising a baby.

We also debut a sexy new segment called ‘Kate’s Plant Rant’ and herald the return of the Ceramic Pig.

How’s Kate’s husband Phil though; setting up PirateNet with our beverage of choice, two chip varieties, and three piles of microphone stands, aka books.